Upcycling translates into French as surcyclage or even upcycling, which could be defined as “recycling from above”. The objective is to recover materials or products that are no longer used, with the aim of creating superior quality objects or products .

The upcycling trend is not new, but it has continued to grow since the start of the “health crisis” to the point of appearing in areas as diverse as they are varied, from fashion to decoration and even marketing.

“Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed”. Is there a quote more appropriate today to the world of fashion, among others, than that of Antoine Lavoisier, even though it was spoken several centuries ago?

To put it simply, it's making something new out of something old, without transforming or deconstructing the raw material we use , and while obtaining a gain in quality and added value for the final product.

When we upcycle, we reuse... but above all, we appropriate the object to give it a new life, often very far from its first life . ♥

Jovette Therrien