Fine stones reveal the beauty of a jewel. These crystals wonderfully adorn bracelets, necklaces, earrings and pendants.

They are known and particularly courted for the beneficial energies that they diffuse. Indeed, some of them would have, according to some, beneficial virtues! Thus, nothing should be done at random. Choosing the fine stone that suits you best is therefore essential.

Whether for gold, silver, stainless steel jewelry, not to mention fancy ones… Nearly fifty gems are used today in the creation and making of jewelry. These are minerals that are first and foremost entirely natural, but also renowned for their hardness. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to cut them and give them shapes. Subsequently, depending on their purity, transparency and great rarity, these stones can be described as fine or precious.

Fine stones: a new name

The term Fine Stones then takes on its full meaning. Designating transparent stones of "gem quality", thus of great value, this term gives them a real value and an honorable hardness, even if they are below the exceptional characteristics of precious stones.

Semi-precious stones often result from crystals found in igneous rocks and plateaus, granitic pegmatites, gneisses, clayey sediments, metamorphic slates or volcanic rocks.

Available in all colors, fine stones remain sparkling and very fashionable. Setting sets and costume and exceptional jewelry, they impose themselves in the jewelry world with elegance and radiance.

Semi-precious stones: a forbidden name

We speak of semi-precious stones in opposition to the quartet of precious stones, formed by the colorless to black diamond, the blue sapphire, others except red, the red ruby ​​and the green emerald. A distinction reinforced by a European desire to preserve the value of this luxury quartet, stones newly arrived from Brazil. Hence the origin of the name semi-precious stones. A distinction that does not detract from their value.

In truth, fine stones are gemstones that are not classified among the four precious stones mentioned above . Even if they are sometimes called semi-precious , this term as well as the term semi-fine is prohibited in trade, in France, by a decree of .

Here is the list of fine stones according to Wikipedia and their characteristics.

  • PS: The information on gemstones is given for recreational purposes only and I do not have in-depth knowledge on this subject. It does not replace medication or a consultation with a specialist.♥︎
  • Agate promotes the stability of physical energy. In case of stress, it acts by calming the person while fighting the various blockages, whether internal or energetic. It strengthens self-respect, increases strength, encourages courage and contributes to building confidence, very useful when making decisions, especially important ones. It fights against emotional trauma and releases inner anger. It is a perfect stone to generate appeasement in living spaces; at home, in the office, etc.
  • Aquamarine can realign energy centers. As a communication stone, it favors oral expression, dialogue and elocution while making them more thoughtful, balanced and distinct, particularly when it comes to emotions, which stimulates attentive listening to the interlocutor. Otherwise, aquamarine is highly stimulating on an intellectual level. On a physical level, it supports the respiratory system and strengthens the immune system. It improves blood circulation and stabilizes the heart rate. It protects the vocal cords and the throat in general. For people prone to motion sickness, aquamarine soothes during travel. This stone is also recommended for couples and/or lovers, because it strengthens their bonds.
  • Amazonite is linked to the energy center of the heart, thus encouraging tenderness and acting with sincerity in a reciprocal relationship with the loved one. It is also linked to the energy center of the throat, promoting loving exchanges and their expression. It facilitates contacts with others by making them more spontaneous and relaxed. Amazonite soothes feelings of frustration, but develops the expression of emotions. It is a reinforcement for the immune system, the lymphatic system and the respiratory system. It removes negative thoughts and absorbs various waves, such as electrostatic, electromagnetic waves and microwaves emanating from the devices we use daily in our environment.
  • A balancing stone, apatite is effective for weight loss because it reduces appetite and allows introspection to discover the truth within oneself. It promotes union with oneself, helps manage emotions and promotes self-confidence. Apatite offers beneficial properties for bones and joints, it helps with arthritis and reduces hypertension.
  • With purple reflections borrowed from the vine according to Greco-Roman mythology, amethyst is the emblem of balance of mind and serenity. It facilitates meditation, intelligence and luck. Amethyst is recognized for its stimulating virtues, particularly in artistic creation. Amethyst is also known to fight against addictions. Its soothing virtues help to calm stress, migraines and other pains. It also promotes restful sleep.


  • Aventurine has been known for centuries to be the stone of appeasement. Its elegant green color has fascinated civilizations for decades. It is known for its various virtues and benefits. It is widely used to improve skin texture. It is also beneficial for the eyes. It greatly soothes eye fatigue and allows you to rest your eyes more easily. It has been used for decades to treat liver and stomach diseases, it is the perfect ally to recover from your excesses after the holidays.
  • Chrysanthemum stone allows you to focus on the present moment, it encourages individual development. It creates harmony and accompanies you in your personal development. On the beautiful raw specimens, we can observe a natural shape representing a chrysanthemum.

    • Emerald is a very balanced stone of harmony, it favors relief in general, it can be used in lithotherapy to boost the immune defenses, and thus recover more quickly from a malaise. It can also help with circulatory problems that would be linked to too much stress.
    • Focusing of thought, development of the intellect and increase of memory are some of the qualities that fluorite brings. If you practice meditation, this stone will favor intuitive thoughts. Fluorite can be effective in relieving the flu or viral infections. It will also support good functioning of the liver and lungs.

    • It is a stone of friendship, internal energy, joy, cheerfulness. It diffuses vitality and good humor, facilitates bodily expression. This stone facilitates concentration. In chromotherapy, its indigo color has several powers. It will have anesthetic virtues for headaches, toothaches. In addition, it will have a positive influence on your sight, hearing and smell.

    • Hematite is ideal for combating fatigue. It stimulates concentration, memory, provides vitality and dynamism. In addition, this stone transmits energy, courage and determination in difficult times. It allows you to listen to yourself and others in order to better detect what is wrong. It increases self-confidence, soothes and de-stresses the wearer. Hematite has a positive effect on convalescence.
      • A stone of wisdom and harmony among other characteristics, jade promotes motivation and improves concentration. Participating in emotional balance, this stone encourages inner peace. It develops tolerance, temperance and honesty. It helps to accept reality while removing feelings of guilt. On a physical level, it is an interesting reinforcement to support the immune system and combats certain inconveniences or pains such as headaches and migraines, urinary tract infections and sleep disorders.
      • Being a stone of communication, it allows us to express ourselves more easily. Jasper also helps with personal development and strengthens self-esteem. Stones of anchoring, common sense, courage and concentration. Helps with quick decision-making and helps put thoughts into action. It is said to have very positive effects on women's sexuality (stimulation of the reproductive organs, relief of menstrual and childbirth pain).
      • Loved for its great beauty, labradorite is a truly powerful stone that promotes intellect, inspiration and intuition. It stabilizes the mood by activating balance, constancy of emotions and helps to overcome stress and anxiety. Through the energy it brings, labradorite also relieves people suffering from great fatigue and can soothe headaches or migraines by lightly rubbing them on painful areas.
      • Do you feel like an artist? Lapis Lazuli surprisingly develops creative thinking. It strengthens confidence and courage to move forward serenely in life. This stone helps maintain human relationships, because it stimulates good humor.
      • Lava is a grounding stone that offers excellent results. It incites joy, increases the spontaneity of anyone who wears it. It helps to connect with oneself. For gentlemen, it contributes to virility by ensuring sexual rigor. For users of essential oils, Lava Stone allows good absorption of the latter.
      • This stone will boost your confidence thanks to its properties. It is full of positive energy and can help you overcome your shyness. Perfect for finding inner balance, freeing yourself from your anxieties and harmonizing your energy centers. The latter will help you blossom sexually and feel more ease in your body.

        • Magnesite is said to be recommended for regulating the gallbladder, calming migraines, frontal sinus problems, osteoarthritis as well as spasms and cramps. It alleviates tensions of all kinds, whether nervous or muscular. It helps moderate emotional excesses such as anxiety and depression. The stone also brings order and harmony to thoughts and helps stimulate the faculties of communication and expression in people who wear a magnesite stone on them.

          • Obsidian is considered to be the most protective of stones, but also the most effective and the most complete. It is a real shield in itself. It is the stone of protection par excellence, acting as a bulwark against negative energies that it sends back to their transmitters. It facilitates the relief of emotional trauma, helps to let go while participating in good intellectual development and elucidating the mind in order to combat illusions to guide towards more realities.
          TIGER'S EYE
          • Tiger's Eye is the most famous protective stone. It helps to restructure thoughts and refocus inner energy while harmonizing the energy bodies. Tiger's Eye encourages perseverance to succeed in the actions undertaken in order to achieve the desired goals. It chases away the feeling of malaise, soothes sadness, promotes concentration and balances the emotional and nervous level. It improves concentration leading to positively developing creativity as well as intuition.
          • Onyx has the particularity of favoring communication and strengthening the emotional aspect by participating in its balance. In addition, it stimulates the development of self-control, encourages intuition and clairvoyant dreams. It encourages wisdom and allows one to be more objective, especially in decision-making and responsibilities.
          • Opal is a stone that will favor the connection with others and in particular, seduction. It is a mineral linked to sensuality and emotions since it develops our state of emotional receptivity. Moreover, it is quite capable of bringing inner peace and the concentration necessary for reflection. Very pure, you should know that it has great power: you must give it first place and not associate it with other stones if you wish to fully benefit from its virtues.
            • Quartz is perfect for channeling energies, and eliminating negativity. It can serve as a protective shield. Its luminous energy also helps to release stress. It is the ideal crystal to amplify the vibrations of other stones and crystals. Quartz helps to develop the gift and show the way to achieve the goal we have set for ourselves.
            • Rhodonite is adorned with many virtues in lithotherapy. It is said to be a balancing, protective and restorative stone. Balancing, it would calm stress, especially during exam periods, and overflowing emotions.
            RUBY FUSCHITE
            • The fuchsite ruby ​​stimulates motivation. The invigorating power of the red is balanced by the green of the stone. This combination of colors stimulates our vital energy. It promotes individuality while remaining in touch with the rest of humanity. Place the stone at the level of the heart or hands and feet for a regenerative relaxation session or as a pendant (insert the stone in a cage) to benefit from the energy of the stone on a daily basis.
            • Tourmaline is the perfect stone to frame you, to bring you back to reality, to not have your head in the clouds, and therefore to be realistic, to see things concretely. It helps you take on new challenges and it favors prosperity. Tourmaline can also suck out harmful energies from people. Tourmaline potentially improves blood circulation.
              Jovette Therrien